Contact Us

  • Sioux Falls Family Vision
  • 2325 W. 57th Street
  • Sioux Falls, SD 57108
  • 605-275-6100

Contact Us

  • Sioux Falls Family Vision
  • 2325 W. 57th Street
  • Sioux Falls, SD 57108
  • 605-275-6100
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Welcome to Sioux Falls Family Vision

Welcome to Sioux Falls Family Vision

We are committed to offering you an extensive array of eye care services utilizing the latest technology available in the eye care industry.

Proudly Serving the Sioux Falls Area for 11 Years

Proudly Serving the Sioux Falls Area for 11 Years

Once again voted the Local Best, Sioux Falls Family Vision is a proven leader in family eye care.

Hours of Operation

Monday & Wednesday: 8-6
Tuesday & Thursday: 8-8
Friday: 8-12
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Vision Conditions

Computer Vision Solutions

Sioux Falls Family Vision is proud to offer you a new solution to fatigue you may encounter from reading or looking at a computer for extended periods of time. We are the first Optometry in Sioux Falls to use SightSync Technology. It has proven to reduce or eliminate symptoms you can have everyday. Our SightSync system allows us to test and see how your eyes sync when looking at pictures and information displayed. If your eyes are not syncing properly you could have eyeGraines causing the fatigue you experience....more


Cataracts are a clouding of the natural crystalline lens of the eye. The crystalline lens sits inside the eye and right behind the iris. This lens is the lens that focuses all the light coming into the eye. As we age, this lens changes it shape and when we reach an old enough age, the lens itself starts to change color and then eventually becomes cloudy and prohibits light from passing through and focusing it into clear vision. Presently, there is no cure for cataracts. It is said that if you live long enough, you will eventually develop cataracts in your eyes. The good news is that this condition can be treated and has been the most...more


Conjunctivitis or commonly called “Pink Eye” is a condition where there is some form of viral infection, allergic reaction or bacteria associated. This condition usually presents with an eye that is pink or red in color. The eye is often itchy, watery and generally uncomfortable. This condition is highly contagious! The doctors at Sioux Falls Family Vision need to see you right away when these conditions present. As soon as you think you have this condition make sure you take every measure not to spread it. Wash your hands often, don’t touch the eye with your hands, don’t share any towels or cloths and don’t use any make up which may...more

Macular Degeneration

Many people are not aware that age-related macular degeneration, often called ARMD, is the leading cause of blindness in the world. According to the eye-health organization Prevent Blindness America, some 13 million Americans have evidence of ARMD. Macular degeneration can produce a slow or sudden painless loss of vision. If straight lines look wavy, vision begins to seem fuzzy, or there are shadowy areas in central vision, it may indicate early signs of age-related macular degeneration. The disease breaks down the macula, the light-sensitive part of the retina responsible for the sharp, direct vision needed to read or drive. Macular...more

Dry Eye Syndrome

The doctors at Sioux Falls Family Vision are trained in the area of Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) as it affects over 60% of our population on a continued basis or as an occasional condition associated with environment or working conditions. The tears of the eye are made up of three layers and any one layer that has an associated condition can cause the tear chemistry to change and cause a dry eye condition....more


Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness in the United States, especially for older people. But loss of sight from glaucoma is preventable if you get treatment early enough. Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve. The optic nerve carries the images we see to the brain. Many people know that glaucoma has something to do with pressure inside the eye. The higher the pressure inside the eye, the greater the chance of damage to the optic nerve. The optic nerve is like an electric cable containing a huge number of wires. Glaucoma can damage nerve fibers, causing blind spots to develop. Often people don’t notice these blind areas until...more

Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetic eye disease typically involves tiny blood vessels that bleed and if not treated will cause permanent damage to the retina. Some of the main diabetic eye diseases include diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and even the development of cataract sooner than expected. Having diabetes can be challenging enough with all of the strict dietary and medical efforts that need to made, that paying attention to potential eye problems is often overlooked. It is our goal to educate diabetic patients regarding the potential risks that they may face. Before understanding the disease in complete detail the most important thing to do...more


Blepharitis (Blef / a / right / us) is a condition where the lids of the eye seem to have dry skin issues such as scaling, itching, chaffing, and flaking of the skin and also rash type feelings and symptoms. In the severe state the blepharitis can cause irregular tear production and show up as waxy scales around the lashes of the upper and lower lids. There are two types of blepharitis. The first and most common type is often part of an overall skin condition where the skin is just simply too dry. This is common in patients that also suffer from dry scalp (dander), chest skin and back of the ears and hair line. Hormones, nutrition and...more


This condition is commonly called “lazy eye” and occurs when one eye develops differently than the other eye. This causes one eye to be weaker than the other. Often times the two eyes cannot function together because of one being too weak. Most times the patient with amblyopia causes one eye to do most of the work in seeing. Other times, the eyes are misaligned, causing one eye to totally “shut down” to avoid double vision issues. Regardless of the cause, the result is a weakened eye. It’s hard to spot an amblyopic eye. Sometimes in a child the parents will notice that they favor one eye over the other when focusing on an object. The best...more


Keratoconus is a very rare eye condition in which the normally round, dome-like cornea (the clear front window of the eye) becomes thin and develops a cone-like bulge. Keratoconus literally means “cone-shaped cornea.” The cornea is a very important part of your eye. As light enters the eye, it focuses, the light rays so that you can see clearly. With keratoconus, the shape of the cornea is altered, distorting your vision. Keratoconus can make some activities difficult, such as driving, typing on a computer, watching television or reading....more
Sioux Falls Family Vision, Eye Care, Exams, Treatment

Hours of Operation

Monday & Wednesday: 8-6
Tuesday & Thursday: 8-8
Friday: 8-12
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Contact Us

Contact Us

  • Sioux Falls Family Vision
  • 2325 W. 57th Street
  • Sioux Falls, SD 57108
  • 605-275-6100

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